Tuesday, September 14, 2010

My Chamomile Adventure

The other day my two-year old came home from a walk with my mom and brought some wild daisies they had picked. They took the flowers and put them in a glass of water. Roots and all. I didn't put too much though into until today when I realized the sprouts were the same as the chamomile that I planted in August.

Just to make sure it really was chamomile, I washed the plant, removed some of the flowers and some seeds. I boiled some water and poured myself a cup. Once the water was poured I threw in the flowers and let them steep for about 5 minutes. I took the lid off of my Brew-In-Mug and took a sip. I was delighted to taste and smell that it WAS chamomile.

Chamomile flowers in my Brew-In-Mug (pg. 13)

Henley Tea Pot (pg. 12 & 14)

I immediately went out and potted my new found plant. I took some dirt from the garden and put it in a pot I found in the basement. I cut off all of the flowers so they would dry and took some of the dry seeds and put them in an envelope.

To enriched the dirt to help the flowers grow, I added my leftover white tea from the day before. The tea was sitting in the leaves over night and I know that the antioxidants in white tea are so high that it can enrich anything that you put it in. Its fantastic compost.

Now, I'm looking forward to my new plant thriving and fresh chamomile to drink everyday. I'm going to cut and save the flowers as soon as they look big and fresh enough to use as tea.

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